Hydrogen production by electrolysis of water is the future development direction

Hydrogen production by electrolysis of water is the future development direction


Hydrogen production by electrolysis of water is the future development direction

The "China Hydrogen Energy Development Report 2020" predicts that the energy conversion rates of alkaline 

electrolyzers and PEM electrolyzers will reach 78% and 74% respectively, the scale of PEM electrolyzers will 

account for 40%, and the equipment price will be reduced to 800~ 2,000 yuan/kW, and the price of alkaline 

electrolyzers has dropped to 600~1,000 yuan/kW. By then, the proportion of hydrogen produced by electrolysis 

of water will reach 70%, the installed capacity will exceed 500GW, and the market size will reach 700 billion yuan.

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