Investment in green hydrogen projects accelerated and conditions for market-oriented development gradually matured
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  • Investment in green hydrogen projects accelerated and conditions for market-oriented development gradually matured

Investment in green hydrogen projects accelerated and conditions for market-oriented development gradually matured


Sources of hydrogen production mainly include hydrogen from fossil energy sources, hydrogen from industrial by-product gases, hydrogen from water electrolysis, and hydrogen from other renewable energy sources, which can be categorized into three pathways: gray hydrogen, blue hydrogen, and green hydrogen, depending on the hydrogen production process and carbon dioxide emissions. Green hydrogen is produced by electrolyzing water to produce hydrogen or other environmentally friendly methods such as biomass. China is the world's largest hydrogen production country, but subject to its own energy structure, China's hydrogen energy in about 62% of the hydrogen production from coal or coke production, about 19% from industrial by-production of hydrogen, 18.1% from natural gas hydrogen, electrolysis of water hydrogen accounted for less than 1%.

Wind and light hydrogen production intensive construction, 2023 into the first year of green hydrogen explosion. With the rapid growth of China's renewable energy installed capacity and power generation, green power hydrogen has gradually become an important choice for new energy resource-rich areas, renewable energy hydrogen projects to accelerate the landing. According to the energy scene research statistics, at present, China only central enterprises planning renewable energy hydrogen project has nearly 300, has disclosed the construction project planning investment of more than 400 billion yuan, the total scale of more than 50GW. the first quarter of this year, there are 13 domestic green hydrogen project signing or into the start of the link, involves the green hydrogen production capacity of more than 150,000 tons/year, the capacity of electrolysis tanks amounted to 835MW, has been more than the whole of the year 2022. Central enterprises to accelerate the layout of renewable energy hydrogen business, for the large-scale production of clean low-carbon hydrogen energy has laid a good industrial foundation.

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