Overview and characterization of the roll grinding machine industry

Overview and characterization of the roll grinding machine industry


Roll grinding machine is an important supporting equipment specially used for roll precision repair, which can repair the geometric accuracy of the worn rolls at the micron level and nano-scale repair of the surface micro-quality, so that the rolls to regain the preset precision indicators, which can be repeated into the subsequent rolling rolling rolling process. The grinding accuracy of the roll grinder directly affects the accuracy of roll processing, which in turn affects the rolling efficiency and rolling quality.

Roll grinding machine as a modern precision machining process in the basic manufacturing equipment, roll grinding machine precision repair roll can be used for all types of precision metal materials ductile depth processing, the final product can be widely used in machinery and equipment, automotive industry, shipbuilding industry, home appliance industry, electric power equipment, high-speed railroad locomotives, construction, aerospace, textile and paper industry and other areas of the national economy, roll grinding machine has become an important foundation for the manufacturing industry. Grinding machine has become one of the important basic equipments in manufacturing industry.

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